Describing The Star Wars Movies...As An MMO
Kotaku mentions me:
Redditor Revolvlover has converted George Lucas' tale into a single-page epic of rage-quitting, dark side points and "fucking F2Pers". The Star Wars description is good: NEW HOPE - Homeboy levels by walking around and getting exp from discovering locations on tattoine, and is power leveled by an experienced knight. Meets some DPS along the way who help carry him through. Keeps trying to romance one of his companions he picks up, but can't even heal the tank during boss fight. Loses and rage-quits. Decides to level at GSF, but the enemy is a bunch of PUG losers.But by the time we hit Return of the Jedi - where Luke abandons his friends on Endor and "takes off like a jerk so that he can go do a class-quest on the death-star" - we're mining for gold. == Well anyway, it was my post, but not my response. Typical lazy journalists!
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